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compliments of the author,
John Robert Colombo

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Please note that the Colombo site is not being updated or revised. It may be viewed in its entirety, for reference purposes, but it has nothing in common with the present offer of complimentary PDFs.

These texts are offered entirely free of charge, with no strings attached, at no cost whatsoever, now and in the future, to any and all users of the web. No record is kept of viewers who download any of these texts and no indemnifications and no warranties are given by the author. 

The idea is to circulate fresh ideas free of all commercial considerations and thus ensure their availability in the future. It may sound suspiciously like magic, but it is not magic at all …  merely an attempt to take the next step in making the distribution of ideas as simple and as straight-forward as possible.

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Wonder Words 
These sentences give
“expression to expressions”.
Adages and apothegms sidestep “common sense” to convey to the reader some degree of “uncommon sense”.
Page count: 110


Distant Places: Poems and Effects of 2023
The year’s writings and ponderings in the forms of  prose, poetry, aphorism, and expressionism. Elusive yet thoughtful.
Page count: 260


Worlds of Shouts and Whispers: Poems and Effects of 2024
Short prose, poems and thoughtful aphorisms, commencing with a tribute to Suparna Ghosh.
Page count: 152.


Laughing Matters
The largest compilation of Canadian jokes and anecdotes ever assembled, with insightful observations about Canada.
Page count: 497


Colombo’s Quotations
The largest, up-to-date compilation of quotations by Canadians or about Canada. This 8th and final such collection offers over 6,000 sourced quotations.
Page count: 378 


Postal Address

John Robert Colombo
The Briton House
720 Mount Pleasant Road
Suite 100 
Toronto, Ontario  M4S 2N6 

Contact Information

Telephone: 1+(416) 782-6853

Email: jrc@colombo.ca

Website: www.colombo.ca

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