Colombo in 3D

If you would like to see and hear JRC chat amiably for thirty minutes on a variety subjects, directly to a 3D videocamera, check out this YouTube posting (below). The so-called “video-portrait” was produced, directed, and videographed by Reg Hartt, the proprietor of the Toronto-based Cineforum. He set up his new camera on the porch of his brownstone opposite the Beer Store on Bathurst Street and asked me to sit on a stool and talk. Reg is off-camera the entire time (and unaccustomedly quiet!). The footage is difficult to watch (imagine Andy Warhol splashing the screen with swatches of 3D colour), and it is hard to listen to (noisy deliveries of cartons of beer), so I do not advise anyone to watch much of it. A couple of minutes will suffice to give everyone a “taste” of this concoction — or creation! Here is the site in question:

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