To my surprise, I discover that I have a substantial presence on YouTube.
Do you want to see me being interviewed by film exhibitor Reg Hartt (in 3D, more or less)? Do you want to see and hear me reading poems from the recent collection “Poems of Space and Time”? Do you want to view the National Film Board’s animated version of the poem “Riverdale Lion”? Do you want to enjoy film-maker Kristin Somborac’s poetic trilogy prepared for the Bravo! TV network? (It has the general title “The Colombo Plan,” and it consists of joyous, animated versions of the following poems: “Domestic Weaponry,” “If the Rest of the World,” and “Recipe for a Canadian Novel”). These are all very imaginative “takes” on one writer’s work.
Keyboard “YouTube” and then “John Robert Colombo”! Or here, I’ll do it for you.