Animated Poems (directed by Kristin Somborac)
Recipe for a Canadian Novel
Domestic Weaponry
If the Rest of the World
Animated Poems (produced by the NFB)
A Said Poem
Riverdale Lion
Poems of Space and Time
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
Canadian Poetry on Line – University of Toronto
Official site
Wikipedia entries
John Robert Colombo – Wikipedia
Hosts of Two National Television Series
Colombo Quotes
CBC-TV, 6-part quiz and panel show with high-school students. Directed by Richard Donovan in six different Canadian cities, 2 April to 4 June 1978.
Unexplained Canada
KarowPrime Films, 6-part historical-social study of Canadian “mysteries.” Space Channel and CBC-TV, launched January 2006, directed by Sean C. Karrow. Each episode deals with a given mystery: Coghlan’s Coffin, The Lake of Healing Waters, Plains of Abraham Mysteries, Revelstone Event, The Vanishing Village of the Dead, The Windigo.