JRC's Inprint Titles

Current to April Fool’s Day 2008
Colombo & Company
(QuasiBook Editions)

A Is for Aphorism: A New Collection C&C, 2006, 1-894540-58-1, 89 pages, 25.00

All About Us: A Collection of Occasional Canadian Humour C&C, 1998, 1-896308-39-2, 150 pages. 30.00

All the Poems of John Robert Colombo BSDB, 2005, 1-55246-629-9, 1,428 pages. Set of 3: 125.00

All the Aphorisms of JRC BSDB, 2006, 1-55246-670-1, 318 pages, 40.00

Autumn in August C&C, 2006, 1-8945-40-63-8, 72 pages, 25.00

Briefs: Certain Aphorisms of John Robert Colombo C&C, 2001, 1-896308-90-2, 81 pages. 25.00

Canadian Capers C&C, 2000, 1-896308-78-3, 184 pages. 30.00

Close Encounters of the Canadian Kind: Personal Accounts of Flying Saucers and UFOs in Canada C&C, 1994, 0-9695092-7-8, 108 pages. 30.00

Closer than You Think C&C, 1998, 1-896308-59-7, 195 pages. 30.00

Colombo’s Book of Canada C&C, 1998, 1-896308-51-1, 177 pages. 40.00

Colombo’s Concise Canadian Quotations C&C, 1998, 1-896308-45-7, 280 pages. 40.00

Colombo’s Doublebook of Laws & Last Lines C&C, 1996, 1-896308-22-8, 76 pages. 25.00

Colombo’s Little Book of Canadian Proverbs, Graffiti, Limericks & Other Vital Matters C&C, 1997, 1-896-308-37-6, 145 pages. 30.00

Contrails: New Poems and New Effects C&C, 1996, 1-896308-16-3, 100 pages. 35.00

Early Earth: Comprising Denis Saurat’s “Atlantis and the Reign of the Giants” & “The Reign of the Giants and the Civilization of the Insects” C&C, 2006, 1-55246-653-1, 348 pages, 40.00

Earlier Lives: Old Poems and New Effects C&C, 1996, 1-896308-25-2, 188 pages. 40.00

End Notes: Poems with Effects C&C, 2008, 13-978-1-894540-64-3, xiv+214+ii pages. 30.00

Erotica Canadiana C&C, 1995, 1-896308-15-5, 64 pages. 25.00

Ether / Rewords: Notions and Emotions / One Thousand More Poems C&C, 1997, 1-896308-33-3, 166 pages. 35.00

Far Star: Poems and Effects C&C, 2001, 1-896308-99-6, 141 pages. 25.00

Footloose: A Commentary on the Books of Gordon Sinclair C&C, 2008, 13-978-1-894540-65-0, vi+132 pages. 30.00

Foundlings: Uncollected Found Poetry C&C, 2002, 1-896308-10-4, 180 pages. 30.00

Ghosts Galore! Personal Accounts of Hauntings in Canada C&C, 1994, 0-9695092-8-6, 127 pages. 30.00

Ghosts in Our Past: 60 True Ghost Stories from 19th-Century Canadian Newspapers C&C, 2000, 1-896308-65-l, 231 pages. 30.00

The Great Wall of China C&C, 1996, 1-896308-28-7, 87 pages. 25.00

Half a World Away C&C, 2000, 1-896308-74-0, 129 pages. 25.00

Half Life: Poems and Effects C&C, 2002, 1-894-540-01-8, 125 pages. 30.00

The Humour of Us: An Anthology of Canadian Jokes and Anecdotes C&C, 2001, 1-896308-06-6, 106 pages. 30.00

Impromptus: One Thousand Poems C&C, 2000, 1-896308-62-7, 73 pages. 20.00

Incredible Canadiana C&C, 2000, 1-896308-84-8, 158 pages. 30.00

Interspaces: Some Poems, Some Effects C&C, 1999, 1-896308-60-0, 140 pages. 20.00

Iron Curtains: Humour of the Soviet Union C&C, 1996, 1-896308-19-8, 136 pages. 30.00

Ironic Curtains: The Humour of the Communist World C&C, 2004, 1-89450-20-4, 130 pages. 30.00
Kidstuff: A Collection of Light Canadian Humour for Children of All Ages C&C, 1996, 1-896308-12-0, 94 pages. 25.00

Lambert’s Day: An Appreciation of R.S. Lambert C&C, 1999, 1-896308-47-3, 110 pages. 20.00

Leacock’s Fantasia: The Fantastic Stories and Sketches of Stephen Leacock BSDB, 2007, Volume One, 978-1-55246-768, 216 pages, 40.00 BSDB, 2006, Volume Two, 978-1-55246-769-5, 206 pages, 40.00

Leacock’s Mysteries: Stories and Sketches of Mystery and Detection BSDB, 2007, 978-1-55246-767-1, 220 pages. 40.00

Luna Park / One Thousand Poems C&C, 1994, 1-896308-19-8, 68 double-page sheets. 25.00

Making Light: Occasional Writings C&C, 2002, 1-894540-11-5, 168 pages. 40.00.

Many Mysteries C&C, 2001, 1-896308-04-X, 241 pages. 40.00

Marvellous Stories: Strange Events and Experiences from Canada’s Past C&C, 1998, 0-9695092-6-X, 175 pages. 30.00

Miniatures: An Anthology of Miniature Literary Compositions BSDB, 2007, 1-5524-666-3, 18 pages. 40.00

The Monster Book of Canadian Monsters C&C, 2004, 1-55246-565-9, 304 pages. 40.00

More Iron Curtains: A Collection of Jokes, Anecdotes, and Lore from Russia, the Soviet Union, the

Commonwealth of Independent States, the SuccessorStates, the Former Fraternal Countries, Etc. C&C, 1998, 1-896308-46-5, 99 pages. 30.00

More or Less: Poems and Effects C&C, 2003, 1-894540-08-5, 130 pages. 30.00

Mostly Monsters C&C, 1995, 1-896308-09-0, 104 pages. 20.00

Mysterious Canada: Strange Sights, Extraordinary Events, and Peculiar Places C&C, 1998, 1-896308-57-0, 448 pages. 40.00

The Mystery of the Shaking Tent C&C, Hounslow Press, 1993, 1-894540-02-6, 320 pages. 40.00

The Native Series C&C, 2004, individual ISBNs, set of 6 books, 1,428 pages, 175 .00

O Rare Denis Saurat C&C, 2003, 1-55246-527-6, 442 pages. 50.00

The Occult Webb: An Appreciation of the Life and Work of James Webb C&C, 1999, 1-896308-56-2, 102 pages. 20.00

Omnium Gatherum: John Robert Colombo’s Bibliography C&C, 1994, 1-896308-34-1, 51 pages. 15.00
One Hundred Poems C&C, 2003, 1-55246-526-8. 20.00

One Word Poems BDSB, 2007, 978-1-55246-774-9, 130 pages. 25.00

Ones: One Thousand Poems C&C, 2003, 1-896308-02-3, 93 pages. 25.00

Only in Canada: A Treasury of Canadian Humour C&C, 2002, 1-894540-05-0, 186 pages. 30.00

Open Secrets: Aphorisms of John Robert Colombo C&C, 2000, 1-896308-78-3, 89 pages. 20.00

Parts of a World C&C, 2006, 1-894540-63-8, 72 pages. 25.00

Personal Effects: New Aphorisms C&C, 2003, 1-896308-880, 98 pages. 30.00

Poems of the Inuit C&C, 1997, 1-896308-34-1, 116 pages. 25.00

QuasiBook Edition of the Writer’s Map of Canada C&C, 1995, 1-896308-13-9, 81 pages. 25.00

Red Humour: East European Jokes and Anecdotes C&C, 1-55246-715-5, 400 pages, 40.00

Say It Again, Sam (with Lyle Earl) C&C, 2003, 1-894540-13-1, 236 pages. 40.00

Self-Schrift C&C, 1999, 1-896308-58-9, 231 pages. 40.00

Semi-Certainties C&C, 1998, 1-896308-43-0, 92 pages. 20.00

Shapely Places: Instances of Imaginative Geography C&C, 1996, 1-896308-24-4, 206 pages. 35.00

Singular Stories: Tales of Wonder from 19th-Century Canadian Newspapers C&C, 1999, 1-896308-63-5, 162 pages. 30.00

666 Canadian Jokes C&C, 1996, 1-896308-20-1, 246 pages. 40.00

Slightly Higher in Canada: A Treasury of Canadian Lore C&C, 1996, 1-896308-14-7, 190 pages. 40.00

Small Wonders: An Anthology of Miniature Literary Compositions C&C, 2000, 1-896308-86-4, 162 pages. 25.00

Some Hungarian Poets: English Translations by John Robert Colombo and George Jonas C&C, 1995, 1-896308-11-2, 139 pages. 30.00

Songs of the Great Land C&C, 1996, 1-896308-30-9, 88 pages. 25.00

Songs of the Indians C&C, 1997, 1-896308-75-9, 224 pages. 40.00

Space Poems C&C, 1995, 1-896308-10-4, 50 pages. 20.00

Stories of Fear and Fascination (Maurice Level) BSDB, 2007, 13-978-155246-737-4, 280 pages. 40.00

Strange Stories: Weird and Wonderful Events and Experiences from Canada’s Past C&C, 1994, 0-9695092-6-X, 192 pages. 30.00

Three Mysteries of Nova Scotia C&C, 2000, 1-896308-91-0, 189 pages. 30.00

The UFO Quote Book C&C, 1999, 1-896308-88-0, 378 pages. 40.00

The Ukrainian and the Tractor and Other Canadian Jokes and Anecdotes C&C, 2002, 1-894540-06-09, 160 pages. 30.00

To Take from Life C&C, 2005, 1-8945540-24-7, 120 pages. 30.00

Two for Faludy BSDB, 2007, 1-55246728-X, 240 pages. 28.00

Uncommon Knowledge: A Dictionary of Aphorisms C&C, 1996, 1-896308-27-9, 66 pages. 20.00

Voices of Rama: Traditional Ojibwa Tales from the Rama Reserve C&C, 1994, 0-0695092-9-4, 136 pages. 40.00

We Stand on Guard: Poems and Songs of Canadians in Battle (with Michael Richardson) C&C, 1998, 1-896308-49-X, 224 pages. 40.00 BSDB, 2007, 978-1-5524-763-3, 242 pages. 40.00

Weird Stories from 19th-Century Canadian Newspapers C&C, 2000, 1-896308-89-9, 169 pages. 30.00

What Is What: New Poems, New Effects C&C, 1998, 1-896308-41-1, 99 pages. 30.00

Windigo: An Anthology of Fact and Fantastic Fiction C&C, 1997, 1-896308-35-X, 233 pages. 40.00

Writer’s Map of Ontario: 141 Sites and Sights of Literary Interest C&C, 1992. 30″ x 40″, 76 continuous pages. 5.00

Writer’s Map of Toronto: 111 Sites and Sights of Literary Interest C&C, 1991. 30″ x 20″, 48 continuous pages. 5.00

Yet More Iron Curtains C&C, 2000, 1-896308-67-8, 132 pages. 30.00

Yes and No C&C, 2004, 1-894540-19-0, 159 pages. 30.00

Some of JRC’s Books from Other Publishers
(Order these directly from their respective publishers)

Penguin Books:

The Penguin Book of Canadian Jokes Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5, 488 pages, 0-14-10066303. 15.99
The Penguin Book of More Canadian Jokes Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5, 466 pages, 0-14-301490-0. 16.99
A Little Book of Facts about a Really Big Country Penguin Canada, 2007, 978-0-14-305368-2, xx+156 pages. 18.00
The Penguin Dictionary of Popular Canadian Quotations Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5, xiv+498 pages, 13:978-0-14-305369-9. 22.00
The Penguin Treasury of Popular Canadian Poems and Songs Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5, 312 pages, 0-14-301326-6. 20.00

Douglas & McIntyre:

Famous Lasting Words: Great Canadian Quotations Cloth, jacket, 9.25 x 6.25, 634 pages, 1-55054-800-X. 35.00

The Dundurn Group / Hounslow Press:

1,000 Questions about Canada Paperback, 6 x 9, 386 pages, 0-88882-232-5. 22.95
Ghost Stories of Canada Paperback, 6 x 9, 220 pages, 0-88882-222-7. 18.99
Haunted Toronto Paperback, 6 x 9, 236 pages, 0-88882-185-9. 18.99
Mysteries of Ontario Paperback, 7.75 x 9, 300 pages, 0-88882-205-7. 24.99
The Midnight Hour Paperback, 6 x 9, 232 pages, 1-55002-496-5, 19.99
Strange but True: Canadian Stories of Horror and Terror Paperback, 2007, 978-1-55002-735-8, 240 pages. 22.99
Terrors of the Night: Canadian Accounts of Eerie Events and Weird Experiences Paperback, 2005, 13 978-1-55002-576-7, 230 pages, 22.95
UFOs over Canada Paperback, 6 x 9, 0-88882-138-7, 222 pages. 15.99

Prospero Books / Key Porter Books:

True Canadian Ghost Stories Paperback, 6 x 9, 1-55267-414-2, 292 pages. 19.95
True Canadian UFO Stories Paperback, 6 x 9, 1-55267-874-1, 288 pages. 19.95
More True Canadian Ghost Stories Paperback, 6 x 9, 1-55267-691-9, 286 pages. 19.95

Ronsdale Press:

Worlds in Small: An Anthology of Miniature Literary Compositions Paperback, 6 x 9, 121 pages. 9.95

Stoddart / General Publishing (Order from C&C):

The Dictionary of Canadian Quotations Cloth, 6 x 9, 671 pages. 35.00
Colombo’s All-Time Great Canadian Quotations Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5, 272 pages. 20.00

C&C’s Terms:

A discount of 10% is extended to wholesalers, libraries, and bookstores. Individual purchasers are requested to include full payment with order. To all Canadian orders, add 5% GST (No. R1224212 17). To all orders, for shipping and handling, add $5.00 first title ($2.00 thereafter). Invoiced orders: 30 days. Quantity discounts available. Make cheques or money orders payable to Colombo & Company.

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