Latest Review

My latest review, which appears on Sophia Wellbeloved’s Lighthouse Editions website, is of the evening of “Movements & Exercises of Gurdjieff” held at the Toronto Dance Theatre, Sunday, May 3, 2009. The demonstration was sponsored by the Gurdjieff Foundation of toronto: Society for Traditional Studies. The review may be accessed through Google. Simply keyboard in the following magical words – Gurdjieff Movements Colombo Toronto – and the review will appear on your screen!

The “All & Everything Conference” is now in its fourteenth year. The annual conference is usally held in Bognor Regis, England, but this year, for the first time, the four-day affair was held in Toronto. The principal organizer is Ian MacFarlane, who was born in Niagara Falls and educated in Toronto but who has lived for many years in Essex. The Toronto affair attracted the usual number of participants – about fifty people – who come from Europe and North and South America to engage in an in depth study of G.I. Gurdjieff’s tome Beelzebub’s Tales. I have long enjoyed reading the annual proceedings, which are published and made available on line, but it had never occurred to me that I would have the opportunity to attend the conference in the comfort of my home town. But it happened this way, and while I did not contribute a study paper or participate to any great extent in the seminars, I did deliver the banquet speech. As well, I took notes throughout and then, speedily, wrote up my ideas and impressions for their appearance on Sophia Wellbeloved’s news-blog. Even I was surprised at how prolix I was. I blush to admit that I contributed 11,000 words! If you want to read them, here is the site to check:

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