Wonder Words

Wonder Words is a collection of sentences that give expression to expressions: ideas, ideals, thoughts, notions, feelings, emotions, moods, errors, truths, falsehoods, commonplaces, etc. These take the form of adages and apothegms that intriguingly sidestep “common sense” in an attempt to convey to the reader some degree of “uncommon sense.” So these compositions, whether they take the form of aphorisms or of adages, far from being age-old, are brand-new compositions. They have been composed in the spirit of exploration and discovery, innovation and invention, scholarship and showmanship, by John Robert Colombo who is the author, editor, compiler, and translator of a great many books including compilations of quotations and literary anthologies. A list of these books appears on his website (www.colombo.ca). The present publication is not unique for it follows in the wake of the same author’s previous collection titled Every Other Word.
ISBN-10 1-894540-96-4. Cover design by Bill Andersen. Paperback format, 6 inches x 9 inches, 110 pages, 2023. $30.00 plus postage and handling.

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